Via Leucosia 97 - Salerno Tel
089/333050-338/3707355 - Closed Tuesday
Type of cuisine: homemade
Price: low
Overall rating: 5 / 5
Directions: Via Leucosia probably already know as you go there for shopping unmentionable, beautiful cats that are not big babies more. In case you did not know, via Leucosia is nothing but the continuation of the city's waterfront to the south. You can also get out of the ring road at the junction of Mariconda, then follow the signs to the coast, then turn right after passing the abandoned brick factory.
This is a review a little unusual, for at least three reasons: 1) it is a lunch and a dinner 2) I did not pay the bill I 3) is a review as "Eating" and "ingiro", being the local Salerno. But let us proceed with order.
Sunday lunch. To celebrate a birthday in the family we go to this restaurant which is located opposite the seafront via Leucosia, sadly got the headlines in recent months for the violent that have made them unfit for use a nice piece (the disaster are still visible.) The restaurant is named after the owners' passion for the fantasy world, and in fact the place is full of elves and goblins. We settle and it is proposed to start with a good mixed appetizer buffet, but is brought directly to the table. From large serving dishes and then taken a boat eggplant with tomato and mozzarella cheese (a kind of two-dimensional parmigiana, in short), scapece zucchini, eggplant a mushroom and red and yellow peppers into strips, not to mention the classic prosciutto and bocconcini. All very good, by watering with the generous red house directly from a barrel tapped at the center of the room. We went with them, also very good, including a noteworthy superabbondante plate of ravioli with porcini mushrooms and a plate of very delicate paccheri ricotta, tomato and bacon (chopped). It continues with grilled meat (pork and veal) and rabbit Ischia (tender and delicious), to conclude the season with a slice of the coffee trunk. As I said I did not pay me this time, but the prices are really low already emerged in the menu, ranging from 4:50 for a pasta and beans to 5 / 6 for a first somewhat more complex. Ditto for beef. On Friday you can also eat the fish, but the lunch menu is available at € 8.
All in all, a good place to sample the simple pleasures of the kitchen without moving too Salerno.
The highlight of this review is "paccheri ricotta tomato and bacon"

- Eeriel
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