Adda Zi Vicenza
New Street Square
Sabino 15 - Banzano Montoro Superiore (AV) Tel 0825/597208
/ 348 / 2759528 - Closed on Mondays
Type of cuisine: homemade
Price: Low to medium
Overall rating: 5 / 5
Directions: from Salerno, take the highway to exit at Avellino and
Montoro Superiore. Then, turn left towards Banzano, try to go through the various bends
free unenlightened, arrive in a square in the center of
recent construction, there is the restaurant. Parked on the street for free in
white stripes.
In over a hundred reviews written, this is only the second time I are found to
test a restaurant without knowing anything, and once again it was a makeshift
. Fact, arrive at Banzano hopeful of being able to dine with "the poisonous mushroom" assured us that Facebook will be open on Thursday evening, and instead find closed doors
bleakly. But before the restaurant closed a lady
directs us to the restaurant covered by this review, pointing out that even there the food is good.
Her words are largely confirmed a little later. As I said before, is a sad
sanremo Thursday night and Santoro, and maybe this is the place is practically empty
to our arrival. We settle in the large hall Schefe talkative and friendly and takes our orders. Here too, no menus, but it does not matter. Let's start with the appetizer of the house, with excellent mashed potatoes with porcini mushrooms, bruschetta with pomodirini and the mushrooms, grilled eggplant, crocchettoni homemade treats and various meats, and plenty more than enough for two people. We continue with a good dish of pappardelle with porcini mushrooms, although I would have preferred the pasta mixed with vegetables and mushrooms that I had been raised to the principle (the beans were finished!). For according to a nice steak on the grill as big as a sheet and, instead of the cake that is not here, we take a bell'ananas with cherry syrup. Total count of 35 € for
starter, main, second, fruit, water and wine, money well spent so much of good things. There's also the pizza.
Even for this time choose all the dishes "piattoforte"

Simon Webbe - Less Evil
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