Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
2008 Specialiazed Dolce Triple
Southern Cross Latin America The Collective
Day in Peru, also in Lima.
the evening of the first day after an afternoon spent throwing up, perhaps because dell'empanada taken to the road, Kraut andargli asked me to take medicine at the pharmacy. I did say the road in the hostel and got ready with the vocabulary of the explanation for the pharmacist. For some reason I had not checked vomit, so I had to pour out in an embarrassing messainscena of a vomiting and eventually learned that in English as they say in Italian. Vale.
The focus of this post to your luck is not the mangiapatate emesis.
This morning I decided to reach an archaeological site just outside of Lima: Pachacamac. I will present various alternatives to achieve it:
I get on and even after 20 meters again to load it stops other people, I think it's initially free, but after a few stops the conductress claims the two soles due. I'm sitting on a backless bench, or better, but there is one behind the driver and then I squeeze the brakes to each driver on the steering wheel and acceleration device he pushes me against those who are sitting in front of me. The door on my side is closed by a few rounds of duct tape while the rooms where people are being kept open in continuation. The colectivos already is tight and even a type has no place to sit, despite this continues to stop and ask passersby to climb. The driver moves deftly in the chaotic traffic Peruvian wriggling with acrobatic maneuvers worthy of a stuntman. Even stops and charge people in the emergency lane of the highway. After an hour the streets become dirt and tell me that they are almost at their destination and now I have to take a public bus. They make me get off the bus and wait for number 6 in a very non-tourist area, some of my imminent death I try to hail a cab, if only one pass, in these first moments of panic just a child pass me by pulling down his pants and fertilize the soil. Fattomi courage to ask parents if it was the place to catch the bus and their answer is unfortunately negative. Decides to return to Lima a bit 'disappointed for not being able to see the ruins but in the end my goal was to survive colectivos ...
Day in Peru, also in Lima.
the evening of the first day after an afternoon spent throwing up, perhaps because dell'empanada taken to the road, Kraut andargli asked me to take medicine at the pharmacy. I did say the road in the hostel and got ready with the vocabulary of the explanation for the pharmacist. For some reason I had not checked vomit, so I had to pour out in an embarrassing messainscena of a vomiting and eventually learned that in English as they say in Italian. Vale.
The focus of this post to your luck is not the mangiapatate emesis.
This morning I decided to reach an archaeological site just outside of Lima: Pachacamac. I will present various alternatives to achieve it:
- Tour organized (dismissed out of hand)
- Taxi about 40 soles one way
- Public bus 5 soles each way
- colectivos
After this preamble seems superfluous to say that my choice fell on colectivos.
soon going to wake up to breakfast, I eat two bananas as the one and get ready for the trip out of town: a sign on the moleskine street names and places that I could come in handy during the day, much more convenient to carry around that the guidance which invariably requires a cumbersome backpack that I should pay tiring too much attention, the portfolios in the cabinet I leave the hostel along with your passport, identity card, put the soles sufficient in any event (so if the police stop me think also that I want to bribe them) and I also carry my holy card expired wisdom, just to be homeless to the end and get discounts for students, theft-proof I start looking for my today's means of transport. I brought my camera even though it can also attract the attention I thought it was essential.
I go at the intersection of two major streets and wonder at the first truck that stops if you go to Pachacamac, yes, blow by ...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Nero Start Smart Gratuito
Despite the anxieties and emotions similar to those prior to departure for Australia that I was assaulted by plane fell into a deep sleep every so often raised by some minor turbulence, so deep that I woke up for breakfast. Gia is waiting for the plane breathed a different atmosphere: air conditioning failure resulting in 25 minutes late, only in English ads strictly for the joy of the English who were on that flight and just opened the gate instead of the classic ordered row that I had used these Anglo-Saxon countries forms a chaotic pile of luggage and people trying to get everyone together, but the icing on the landing and was the applause. At the airport after check-rite try to reach the area of \u200b\u200bMiraflores, I could choose between a shared taxi for 50 cents or a private for a few euro more. Still slightly biased towards this country and with some anxiety I chose private even though it was enough to walk several hours to Lima to understand that there are dangers. I know a German hostel (strange a Kraut!) Which has almost finished its journey through Ecuador and Peru, dragged him with me in thinking that two dangers that are less alone and whatever I can throw him to wild beasts and run. Never worst choice I could have done, the man most pessimistic ever known is that the negative side of everything and move in his mind whatever the orbit, luck that his negative view of South America was opposed by my own enthusiasm and I would veins cut after a few minutes. He immediately spoke of the terrible food and drink in Peru, I also understand why he does not like the local food: we had lunch with the empanadas taken to a cart and is now lying on the bed with a strong stomach. The traffic of the city is deadly, is also probably one of the noisiest places in the world: the horn is a must press it at least every 5 seconds, crossing the road is a serious challenge since no one stops them that it is red you both on the strips. The space is just about every public transport, it is up to be packed like sardines in buses but the Latin American music at full volume on each car makes it folcoristico. Even the architecture leaves something to be desired, with the exception to the colonial incomplete buildings are a bit 'everywhere, probably the plan of the city is done by Calabria. Despite everything the city is very clean and also its inhabitants seem to take much personal hygiene. Even the hostel where I am is far superior to any one who has been in the States. People are always initially a little closed but when they realize that you are not American or English, they get and become friendly dispensers consigli.La hard part is English since I set foot off the plane I did not speak English with anyone except the Boche who are in the hostel, my ability to express themselves is very small: my sentences appear to be a combination of the verbs take, able and willing to strictly always the second person singular by adding just a few words found in the dictionary or applications where it is / how to get in place since ...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pennsylvania Acrostic Poem
E dopodomani PerĂ¹
The idea of \u200b\u200bstopping for a few days in Quebec is skipped. When I went to pay for being the third worst day I heard the phrase for a backpacker. To be told "Fully Booked" means without having to forecast reluctantly change their plans, because surely all the other accommodations in the city will have the same answer. And so Slightly annoyed, I put on the Internet to explore the hypothesis eligible candidates. Eventually deciscione fell on stopping the next night in Montreal and take the night bus to New York.
Ergo back to the great French-speaking city that I liked. Arriving in Montreal after the lunch hour with a gnawing only for the fact that I had not had lunch yet and because I was back in the worst city in Canada. I spend a busy afternoon apathetic to wash my clothes at me and then the evening to sew the patch on the backpack, lucky that one of the vaccinations before leaving was the tetanus shot because my right thumb became a colander. After I point with the needle for the last time I fall on the bed and fall asleep. My prince will come and wake me with a kiss the next day in time for the check-out and I mean the Indian prince who was in bed upstairs, and I intend to kiss me put my foot down in the face. Ok are 11 am and my bus will leave at 3 am dropped a backpack at the station there is the obvious question about how to kill time, I find the answer in roaming the city. At lunchtime arrival in the park where a dozen people are playing drums and other percussion instruments while near them with a coordination of movement seems to be trying to dance (I know that when you read that you immediately thought of uncoordinated to me, but it was not me). I spend the rest of the day seeing some other area and a football game, in the evening I'm enjoying my last Poutine, and I know a Mexican girl who is studying in New York she also lined up to catch the bus.
unnecessary border controls are of my sleep and I'm back in the land in the stars and stripes. At 9 am in the hostel where they are obviously telling me to go back to 3 ... Ergo again after an uncomfortable night I wander the streets of Manhattan like a zombie, walking through steaming manhole covers and carts where they sell all kinds of food in the evening to meet with the Australian had met in Flagstaff. I'm experimenting some kind of life that was before the phone because no one can call others, such as Brazil that I met her in Canada is also in this hostel on the first day I met her while doing the check-in and we said "See you later" ... It's been 3 days.
now begin preparations for the next stop, opens the Lonely Planet and on the internet looking for tips
Peru ..
The idea of \u200b\u200bstopping for a few days in Quebec is skipped. When I went to pay for being the third worst day I heard the phrase for a backpacker. To be told "Fully Booked" means without having to forecast reluctantly change their plans, because surely all the other accommodations in the city will have the same answer. And so Slightly annoyed, I put on the Internet to explore the hypothesis eligible candidates. Eventually deciscione fell on stopping the next night in Montreal and take the night bus to New York.
Ergo back to the great French-speaking city that I liked. Arriving in Montreal after the lunch hour with a gnawing only for the fact that I had not had lunch yet and because I was back in the worst city in Canada. I spend a busy afternoon apathetic to wash my clothes at me and then the evening to sew the patch on the backpack, lucky that one of the vaccinations before leaving was the tetanus shot because my right thumb became a colander. After I point with the needle for the last time I fall on the bed and fall asleep. My prince will come and wake me with a kiss the next day in time for the check-out and I mean the Indian prince who was in bed upstairs, and I intend to kiss me put my foot down in the face. Ok are 11 am and my bus will leave at 3 am dropped a backpack at the station there is the obvious question about how to kill time, I find the answer in roaming the city. At lunchtime arrival in the park where a dozen people are playing drums and other percussion instruments while near them with a coordination of movement seems to be trying to dance (I know that when you read that you immediately thought of uncoordinated to me, but it was not me). I spend the rest of the day seeing some other area and a football game, in the evening I'm enjoying my last Poutine, and I know a Mexican girl who is studying in New York she also lined up to catch the bus.
unnecessary border controls are of my sleep and I'm back in the land in the stars and stripes. At 9 am in the hostel where they are obviously telling me to go back to 3 ... Ergo again after an uncomfortable night I wander the streets of Manhattan like a zombie, walking through steaming manhole covers and carts where they sell all kinds of food in the evening to meet with the Australian had met in Flagstaff. I'm experimenting some kind of life that was before the phone because no one can call others, such as Brazil that I met her in Canada is also in this hostel on the first day I met her while doing the check-in and we said "See you later" ... It's been 3 days.
now begin preparations for the next stop, opens the Lonely Planet and on the internet looking for tips
Peru ..
cops eat donuts ... |
Friday, September 17, 2010
How Much Do Caesars Palace Robes
After almost three months that are in constant journey from one city to another never pausing more than a couple of days here I come in the northernmost point that I reach for my trip: Quebec or Quebec City to choose whether to call in the manner of speaking or Anglophone. I had intended to reach a park a little earlier, but that means little in nine hours by bus, then I stop, I think I swear: I've seen the city this afternoon, I wonder what I can do all day tomorrow ... and the day after? I still need to recover from three days of coaches in the last days I was always tired and it was hard to wake up, I have to recharge the batteries in a week will reach the most difficult part, but I think even more beautiful My Trip: South America. Also because I had dinner tonight with a Brazilian I was stoned with all the good places to go in the continent, seemed to be working for a travel agency. However
abandon my thoughts and see what I've done the last few days.
Towards the end of my third night bus finally arrived at the border with Canada, the bus stops and make us sleepy off and take our luggage, we enter a building where a Canadian police officer, careless of my hangover from "little and uncomfortable sleep, part of the nursery rhyme that questions begin to know:
- Where are you from?
-Perche you come here?
Travel - Ports of food?
pasta and coffee are a couple of apples
-'re importing drugs or have you come here to perform a terrorist act?
You are the son of the sister of Escobar and Bin Laden have come here to destroy Canada ...
There is much debate last question I have serious doubts.
these past 5 \\ 10 minutes to make you question the whole thing ends with a Wellcome to Canada and another stamp in the passport
Arrival in Toronto at nine o'clock in the morning while the city wakes up, fresh air and clean modern city there are homeless people here, you also open the doors of shopping malls or stores. It 'still a slightly improved version of a U.S. city. I'm leaving now searching for my hostel, along the way I have breakfast with a Canadian specialty: the beaver tail, there is a sweet schifatevi above with maple syrup. This hostel is the check-in at 4, tremendous technique to force you to pay the deposit of luggage, but always work to rely on the humanity of those who are in reception and how to convince unfair to a check-out at 10 am and check-in at 4 to correct the deposit free of charge. Waiting for the four began to wander aimlessly through the city coming from underneath the CN Tower and see the people entering the stadium, I was hoping it was a hockey game against Toronto but it was the Tampa baseball take a ticket from 7 € and I enjoy the next three hours of play. Despite the pride of Canadians and what does not like to be compared to their American cousins \u200b\u200bthis city seems to do everything possible to be both in America that even in sports: all the teams playing in the American League!
The next day at 8 am I'm going to take the bus that takes me up to ericascate Niagara. First American and then I go by boat to the most famous Canadian Horseshoe (Horseshoe).
The coach will then download Prince of Wales remained a city of fifty years back that still has not been McDonaldization and its bakery you can find a good pie beef or chicken. Here I also know a Scot from Glasgow, which was virtually anywhere, any country names them she was leaving with a story of when she was there.
Day Three in Canada, course after two nights spent in Toronto, I can only change location and in the morning I take the first bus to Ottawa, the capital of the country, chosen to find a compromise between the Anglophone and Quebecoise is divided by a river that freezes in winter and you can skate: a South Ontario Northern Quebec. A place full of historic buildings reminiscent of Europe. The city's streets can also enjoy a second Canadian specialty: the poutine, French fries covered with melted cheese and a thick layer of SUCO with chunks of meat in some places we also add the foie Grais. The hostel is in a former prison in the center but no barracks closet with a single bunk bed and bars instead of the door.
fourth day I wake up tired, I load the backpack seems to be getting heavier I do not know why and I walk up the bus and arrive in Montreal. By
finally the French side of Canada and the climate is completely different, Montreal appears to any European city, or rather French. Just got off the bus a guy I literally ripping the guidance of hand and gives me directions to where to go and what to do in town. Montreal bad start, the first hostel in which I head is closed, found an open start to turn the city that has nothing interesting in my opinion, also lacks open space unless you go on the river bank.
the fifth day running away from Montreal and arrive after a few hours by bus to Quebec, I just got off the train I met a German in Montreal, I avoid it wisely, do not want to end up in a room with him in the hostel. He began the arduous journey, the center of the city lies on top of the hill, but now I am in a beautiful city with some history. Ok now I have seen the city twice already own the first and second with Patricia Mirjam and now I have to find something to do to not go crazy in Quebec ...
abandon my thoughts and see what I've done the last few days.
Towards the end of my third night bus finally arrived at the border with Canada, the bus stops and make us sleepy off and take our luggage, we enter a building where a Canadian police officer, careless of my hangover from "little and uncomfortable sleep, part of the nursery rhyme that questions begin to know:
- Where are you from?
-Perche you come here?
Travel - Ports of food?
pasta and coffee are a couple of apples
-'re importing drugs or have you come here to perform a terrorist act?
You are the son of the sister of Escobar and Bin Laden have come here to destroy Canada ...
There is much debate last question I have serious doubts.
these past 5 \\ 10 minutes to make you question the whole thing ends with a Wellcome to Canada and another stamp in the passport
Cn Tower |
Arrival in Toronto at nine o'clock in the morning while the city wakes up, fresh air and clean modern city there are homeless people here, you also open the doors of shopping malls or stores. It 'still a slightly improved version of a U.S. city. I'm leaving now searching for my hostel, along the way I have breakfast with a Canadian specialty: the beaver tail, there is a sweet schifatevi above with maple syrup. This hostel is the check-in at 4, tremendous technique to force you to pay the deposit of luggage, but always work to rely on the humanity of those who are in reception and how to convince unfair to a check-out at 10 am and check-in at 4 to correct the deposit free of charge. Waiting for the four began to wander aimlessly through the city coming from underneath the CN Tower and see the people entering the stadium, I was hoping it was a hockey game against Toronto but it was the Tampa baseball take a ticket from 7 € and I enjoy the next three hours of play. Despite the pride of Canadians and what does not like to be compared to their American cousins \u200b\u200bthis city seems to do everything possible to be both in America that even in sports: all the teams playing in the American League!
The next day at 8 am I'm going to take the bus that takes me up to ericascate Niagara. First American and then I go by boat to the most famous Canadian Horseshoe (Horseshoe).
Niagara Falls |
Day Three in Canada, course after two nights spent in Toronto, I can only change location and in the morning I take the first bus to Ottawa, the capital of the country, chosen to find a compromise between the Anglophone and Quebecoise is divided by a river that freezes in winter and you can skate: a South Ontario Northern Quebec. A place full of historic buildings reminiscent of Europe. The city's streets can also enjoy a second Canadian specialty: the poutine, French fries covered with melted cheese and a thick layer of SUCO with chunks of meat in some places we also add the foie Grais. The hostel is in a former prison in the center but no barracks closet with a single bunk bed and bars instead of the door.
Channels Ottawa |
fourth day I wake up tired, I load the backpack seems to be getting heavier I do not know why and I walk up the bus and arrive in Montreal. By
finally the French side of Canada and the climate is completely different, Montreal appears to any European city, or rather French. Just got off the bus a guy I literally ripping the guidance of hand and gives me directions to where to go and what to do in town. Montreal bad start, the first hostel in which I head is closed, found an open start to turn the city that has nothing interesting in my opinion, also lacks open space unless you go on the river bank.
Montreal Museum of Nature |
the fifth day running away from Montreal and arrive after a few hours by bus to Quebec, I just got off the train I met a German in Montreal, I avoid it wisely, do not want to end up in a room with him in the hostel. He began the arduous journey, the center of the city lies on top of the hill, but now I am in a beautiful city with some history. Ok now I have seen the city twice already own the first and second with Patricia Mirjam and now I have to find something to do to not go crazy in Quebec ...
Quebec City |
![]() |
Quebec a better perspective of course not taken by me |
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Images Of Impacted Feces
I must reluctantly say that the United States so far have proved to be half as' disappointing of my journey. I did not know well what I would find but the city certainly did not imagine the 'old and dirty, consisting of a downtown full of skyscrapers that look like giant monoliths of steel and concrete where someone dug out of the windows, all the rest of the city': the lovely home we see in the movies white two-story with a front and back garden surrounded by a fence, a reality 'misrepresentation by the directors since almost all households in the districts of unimaginable degradation are prefabricated with tiny garden is bordered by a semi-abandoned network metal route, but where still waving a flag with stars and stripes. An unknown number of homeless at every street corner calls for a quarter and any type public service and 'bad, except those that cost $ 5 per single journey, but I think that they are operated by private companies. The building more 'modern and clean I see in the boulevards and avenues of the cities' large or small they are and 'topped by a neon sign kind of Burger King, Taco Bell or Dunking Donuts, and I will stop here' cause the quantity 'names and' disproportionate, you can find the version of any fast food. This also explains the unhealthy size of Americans. Not to mention the enormous number of amputees and people in wheelchairs, I think this is because of various conflicts in which the public has been whipped and health care. Across the country many times I wondered how it could be the most powerful nation in the world, I was told that despite all the problems their strength comes from that I see that flag waving on every corner that unites 300 million people, I think this role soon can be taken by 'the European Union when it will be something more than a coin.
I must reluctantly say that the United States so far have proved to be half as' disappointing of my journey. I did not know well what I would find but the city certainly did not imagine the 'old and dirty, consisting of a downtown full of skyscrapers that look like giant monoliths of steel and concrete where someone dug out of the windows, all the rest of the city': the lovely home we see in the movies white two-story with a front and back garden surrounded by a fence, a reality 'misrepresentation by the directors since almost all households in the districts of unimaginable degradation are prefabricated with tiny garden is bordered by a semi-abandoned network metal route, but where still waving a flag with stars and stripes. An unknown number of homeless at every street corner calls for a quarter and any type public service and 'bad, except those that cost $ 5 per single journey, but I think that they are operated by private companies. The building more 'modern and clean I see in the boulevards and avenues of the cities' large or small they are and 'topped by a neon sign kind of Burger King, Taco Bell or Dunking Donuts, and I will stop here' cause the quantity 'names and' disproportionate, you can find the version of any fast food. This also explains the unhealthy size of Americans. Not to mention the enormous number of amputees and people in wheelchairs, I think this is because of various conflicts in which the public has been whipped and health care. Across the country many times I wondered how it could be the most powerful nation in the world, I was told that despite all the problems their strength comes from that I see that flag waving on every corner that unites 300 million people, I think this role soon can be taken by 'the European Union when it will be something more than a coin.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
How To Tell If Your Steep Tech Is Real Or Fake
USA Roadtrip
Despite the bad day the other day with my new friends (after all, and I have maccchina can lead to places where I could get there). It returns to the Grand Canyon
this time alone, without guidance, to become part of those few people who touch the bottom. The beginning and 'a facilitates' monstrous: downhill and with a human temperature. On the descent I have to know better my fellow travelers and found that Yasmin after telling me that I could kill someone with my Italian accent is so much fun to correct my grammatical errors in English ...
For the first time after walking a few hours I reach my destination rested and fresh as a daisy, wet fingers in the Colorado river, I come a bit more 'up and sit down to admire the Grand Canyon, stretching every now and then hand to check that the clear sky background is not a fake. Needless groped to describe the landscape of which I was a spectator. Unlike all the other times I've done hiking / bushwalking / trekking part worst starts when you go on. I turned around to return to the top of the canyon, in front of me there is a distance of 6 miles with an elevation gain of just over one thousand meters, to make matters worse the various thermometers around the location marked 34 degrees in the shade! Luckily there was every 1.5 miles a shelter with shade and fresh water to fill my camelbak that emptied at a rate 'awesome. With a red face swollen like a balloon and legs now camminavanoo coasts to 3.30 hours after the peak.
hour break for a company to make Yasmin waiting the bus to return to Flagstaff and Julius at a time allotment of Monument Valley. Four hours of driving on a road with no curves other machines or settlements, in heaven I can see all the stars, I wish it were possible to Rome. We stopped in the last City 'before the Monument Valley and look for a place to sleep, everything costs too much and wasted effort as we will see the next day with the light, the city' and nothing else 'that some houses and 3 motel, the only solution to the end and rimastaci' was to sleep in the car, we reach the visitor center and spend a wonderful sleepless night in the car. The next day the sun wakes me probably five minutes after I finally managed to sleep. We go up early in Monument Valley in the breakfast bar and a few minutes to see what they sell in the gift shop full of hand-made vases from the Indians of the reserve (although I do not think they have made them) and e 'li I heard coming from somewhere in the room with the phrase "how many pieces Anvedi chann that these" we recognize everywhere. Monument Valley and 'impressive but also warm, too just to get out of the car and walk, a real oven, fortunately you can turn the car. In less than two hours we can all see it and we go to somewhere more 'cool. It's my turn to drive and drive for six hours on a straight road between the canyon and desert plains devoid of any trace of man if not for the Hungarian that is detached from its Ipad only to look at the speedometer and repeat his heavy accent, worse than me, "Slow down, do not kill the car". We get to
Panguicht close to Bryce Canyon in late afternoon and look for a hostel, no single motel, we throw in one for $ 25 per night. That motel for me and 'state as we enter heaven in clean room with private bathroom television kingsize bed and two pillows each. The next morning, when Julius woke me up at 6 to go to the canyon and I 'seemed to go back to the times when my mother woke me up to go to school and I still hugged the pillow implored those damn 5 minutes more'.
After nearly 10 days, with hindsight I know what I would have enjoyed the comfortable bed, and that the next day in Las Vegas.
Despite the bad day the other day with my new friends (after all, and I have maccchina can lead to places where I could get there). It returns to the Grand Canyon
this time alone, without guidance, to become part of those few people who touch the bottom. The beginning and 'a facilitates' monstrous: downhill and with a human temperature. On the descent I have to know better my fellow travelers and found that Yasmin after telling me that I could kill someone with my Italian accent is so much fun to correct my grammatical errors in English ...
For the first time after walking a few hours I reach my destination rested and fresh as a daisy, wet fingers in the Colorado river, I come a bit more 'up and sit down to admire the Grand Canyon, stretching every now and then hand to check that the clear sky background is not a fake. Needless groped to describe the landscape of which I was a spectator. Unlike all the other times I've done hiking / bushwalking / trekking part worst starts when you go on. I turned around to return to the top of the canyon, in front of me there is a distance of 6 miles with an elevation gain of just over one thousand meters, to make matters worse the various thermometers around the location marked 34 degrees in the shade! Luckily there was every 1.5 miles a shelter with shade and fresh water to fill my camelbak that emptied at a rate 'awesome. With a red face swollen like a balloon and legs now camminavanoo coasts to 3.30 hours after the peak.
USA From Canada and Mexico |
From USA Canada and Mexico |
From USA Canada and Mexico |
hour break for a company to make Yasmin waiting the bus to return to Flagstaff and Julius at a time allotment of Monument Valley. Four hours of driving on a road with no curves other machines or settlements, in heaven I can see all the stars, I wish it were possible to Rome. We stopped in the last City 'before the Monument Valley and look for a place to sleep, everything costs too much and wasted effort as we will see the next day with the light, the city' and nothing else 'that some houses and 3 motel, the only solution to the end and rimastaci' was to sleep in the car, we reach the visitor center and spend a wonderful sleepless night in the car. The next day the sun wakes me probably five minutes after I finally managed to sleep. We go up early in Monument Valley in the breakfast bar and a few minutes to see what they sell in the gift shop full of hand-made vases from the Indians of the reserve (although I do not think they have made them) and e 'li I heard coming from somewhere in the room with the phrase "how many pieces Anvedi chann that these" we recognize everywhere. Monument Valley and 'impressive but also warm, too just to get out of the car and walk, a real oven, fortunately you can turn the car. In less than two hours we can all see it and we go to somewhere more 'cool. It's my turn to drive and drive for six hours on a straight road between the canyon and desert plains devoid of any trace of man if not for the Hungarian that is detached from its Ipad only to look at the speedometer and repeat his heavy accent, worse than me, "Slow down, do not kill the car". We get to
Panguicht close to Bryce Canyon in late afternoon and look for a hostel, no single motel, we throw in one for $ 25 per night. That motel for me and 'state as we enter heaven in clean room with private bathroom television kingsize bed and two pillows each. The next morning, when Julius woke me up at 6 to go to the canyon and I 'seemed to go back to the times when my mother woke me up to go to school and I still hugged the pillow implored those damn 5 minutes more'.
After nearly 10 days, with hindsight I know what I would have enjoyed the comfortable bed, and that the next day in Las Vegas.
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