Southern Cross Latin America The Collective Day in Peru, also in Lima.
the evening of the first day after an afternoon spent throwing up, perhaps because dell'empanada taken to the road, Kraut andargli asked me to take medicine at the pharmacy. I did say the road in the hostel and got ready with the vocabulary of the explanation for the pharmacist. For some reason I had not checked vomit, so I had to pour out in an embarrassing messainscena of a vomiting and eventually learned that in English as they say in Italian.
The focus of this post to your luck is not the mangiapatate emesis.
This morning I decided to reach an archaeological site just outside of Lima: Pachacamac. I will present various alternatives to achieve it:
- Tour organized (dismissed out of hand)
- Taxi about 40 soles one way
- Public bus 5 soles each way
- colectivos
colectivos I had caught my attention since the first day, although a little 'afraid I ventured there I was, maybe I
who reads from the south-east Asia already know what I mean: vans are equipped with benches can be packed up after about twenty of persons including driver and conductor, here on all forms of transport are the driver and a person who charges the ticket, follow a predetermined route and can be stopped at any point of the journey, the conductor as well as to pay the sliding door open and the route screams when she sees someone on the sidewalk, go up and down as fast as soldiers on a military vehicle.
After this preamble seems superfluous to say that my choice fell on colectivos.
soon going to wake up to breakfast, I eat two bananas as the one and get ready for the trip out of town: a sign on the moleskine street names and places that I could come in handy during the day, much more convenient to carry around that the guidance which invariably requires a cumbersome backpack that I should pay tiring too much attention, the portfolios in the cabinet I leave the hostel along with your passport, identity card, put the soles sufficient in any event (so if the police stop me think also that I want to bribe them) and I also carry my holy card expired wisdom, just to be homeless to the end and get discounts for students, theft-proof I start looking for my today's means of transport. I brought my camera even though it can also attract the attention I thought it was essential.
I go at the intersection of two major streets and wonder at the first truck that stops if you go to Pachacamac, yes, blow by ...
I get on and even after 20 meters again to load it stops other people, I think it's initially free, but after a few stops the conductress claims the two soles due. I'm sitting on a backless bench, or better, but there is one behind the driver and then I squeeze the brakes to each driver on the steering wheel and acceleration device he pushes me against those who are sitting in front of me. The door on my side is closed by a few rounds of duct tape while the rooms where people are being kept open in continuation. The colectivos already is tight and even a type has no place to sit, despite this continues to stop and ask passersby to climb. The driver moves deftly in the chaotic traffic Peruvian wriggling with acrobatic maneuvers worthy of a stuntman. Even stops and charge people in the emergency lane of the highway. After an hour the streets become dirt and tell me that they are almost at their destination and now I have to take a public bus. They make me get off the bus and wait for number 6 in a very non-tourist area, some of my imminent death I try to hail a cab, if only one pass, in these first moments of panic just a child pass me by pulling down his pants and fertilize the soil. Fattomi courage to ask parents if it was the place to catch the bus and their answer is unfortunately negative. Decides to return to Lima a bit 'disappointed for not being able to see the ruins but in the end my goal was to survive colectivos ...
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