Bolivia Salar de Uyuni: Isla del Sol on the There is still a decent connection so I can not put photos of Bolivia are those of this post from google
back from Machu Picchu in Cusco I spent another night in the evening after I got the bus to Lake Titicaca. How many backpackers from suggeritomi instead of stopping to Puno I crossed the border with Bolivia and went straight to Copacabana. At six o'clock in the morning makes us get off the bus and boarded up for twenty minutes in a combination that brings us to the border: a dirt road with a chain to lock the car and two armed soldiers.
Hurry border red tape and got a new stamp on my passport to another minibus takes us to the city by the lake. Here along with an English and a kiwi I decide to go to sleep for a night sull'isla instead of only in the city. The next two days I will confirm that it was one of my best ideas in recent months. Lake Titicaca is immense looking in places you do not see the land seems almost a sea water quiet and smooth. My boat is very slow, all others pass us and reach their destination in half the time, I console myself appreciating the scenery, beautiful, but in a few hours I would see better. From the port, an endless staircase leads to the town, it takes 20 minutes to make it to the first hostel, where he arrived out of breath (remember that the lake is at almost 4000m above sea level) I have no intention to seek shelter and ask the price of a room : 25 bolivianos! the exchange rate with the euro is almost 1 to 10! One German calls after me the price in English and she is 30! Fantastic, private room overlooking the lake. This is another of those places where people live outside world: no running water, a source of drinking water wells in the port a few meters from the lake. Women and mules are loaded back up and down all day jerry cans of water and bags of food to fill the reserves of the houses, people cultivate potatoes raising llamas or even their back from the port loading sacks of cement and other building materials, the island has in fact recently discovered the richness of tourism, the houses have turned us all into a pension for economic and meet the growing demand we are building more buildings to accommodate tourists and rest, in short I could see natural beauty before man destroys it in order to allow more people to see what there will be no more.
I know a couple of Brits and their head for the ruins of the island, after a short walk to see them from afar and captivates me, then decided to leave the two Englishmen on their own and begin to climb the terraces, the island is completely terraced to the top. The other side of the mountain hid a beautiful bay, a Norwegian fjord in miniature, at that moment I decided that I would have spent more than a night on the island. Meanwhile, a pastor known as a Bolivian that I sat staring at the horizon, the poor guy probably wanted to sit in a little peace after a hard day's work but I completely indifferent to this eventuality I sat next to him and started to speak, after the initial pleasantries, I asked him what was grown on the island and in that moment he began a dissertation on the potatoes 10 minutes, he knew all of the potatoes ...
the evening I go to dinner with a group of Londoners, needless to say that the conversation ended up in London excluding them from the conversation.
I remade leaving the restaurant, given the total absence of lights on the island and the enormous distance that separates it from any other town in the sky you can see an unimaginable quantity of stars, some seem larger than others, but after closer inspection you can see that they are simply more nearby stars.
The best was yet to come, the day after I wake up with the chickens at dawn, my room faces east and light tents do not prevent the sun just risen to share it. I have breakfast and I just put it into gear to reach the northern tip of the island, it would take three hours but after about half the time I climbed on the terraces feel the effort and go back after a week still I'm used to the altitude . Is ° I returned home I put on the terrace on the moleskine to write and sew the banners on the backpack. Yesterday, the scene was a beautiful blue expanse with another island in the center and the horizon obscured by clouds. Now something has changed, fortunately, a small island and lake are still in place, but more clouds are thinned out in the distance to the center of my view there are four jagged snowy peaks cut in half by some cloud, surrounded by barren hills burnt by sun, the braying of a donkey in the distance adds color to the landscape. Here we should probably
few words to close the post but I can not find
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