ISLAND UNIJE-island before you come to after crossing the Kvarner region, country, with multicolored houses perched on the mountain as on the Sorrento coast, well worth a visit, at anchor at anchor or moored along the small pier. It is not advisable to spend the night if not optimal weather conditions because the port offers little protection, especially for winds from the NW. and SW.
There are 2 restaurants near the pier but offer a menu of tourist trip.
ISLAND CRES (CRES) - Entering the Kvarner along the big island of Cres, by cheap indented with deep water where it is easy to find boats of fishermen who retire pots, from which you can buy live shrimp.
Osser (OSOR) - A small town with a beautiful church and an imposing bell tower, which overlooks the canal that separates the islands of Cres and Losinj. There is a swing bridge which allows you to go by boat from the Kvarner to Quarnarolo and will open at 9.00 and 17.00, have to be careful when crossing the current is very intense. It can be moored along a quay on the north side and mail it Several restaurants.
SAN MARTIN CRES (MATINSCICA) - Located in the bottom of a large inlet, has a sheltered harbor with a pier where there are some moorings. It's worth a walk of 5-6 km. up the hill to the village of Vidova where you can enjoy a panorama that embraces the whole Kvarner from Rijeka to Pula on the one hand, while to the south, all the islands of Dugi Otok Quarnarolo up to. A Vidovici is the tavern "VELI RAT", with a panoramic terrace, where you can drink good wine and taste local specialties like grilled lamb and suckling pig. On the waterfront of the Cres, 200 meters from the port, in the shade of a pine forest, there KONOBA the "FERAL" (tel. + +385 51 574 251 ) where we ate some excellent live shrimp, is served raw with olive oil and lemon, and cooked to irons.
VALUN - Small typical village in the bottom of a large creek, there is a platform where they can find 4-5 berth boats. There are some restaurants on the harbor.
CRES (CRES) - It is an excellent staging point and on the dock of the country in the ACI Marina where is the distributor of diesel fuel and refilling of LPG cylinders. I rarely ate at the restaurant because it is easy to get the live shrimp from the fishermen who put the pots in the area. There is a small restaurant in an alley next to the old port, KONOBA "KOPAC (tel. 051-571-956 \\ 098-170-80-46) managed by a fisherman, Stjepan Slavicek, where I ate St. Peter just fish, shrimp and fresh sea bass, accompanied by a kind of risotto with butter and oil, which is the pride of the master.
Susak (Susak) - A good stopping point on the most direct route between Istria and the south, you can anchor in the bay (be careful to dry) dock or, if there is room in one of the few places along the boat dock. I once ate at the restaurant at the end of the pier a good plate of spaghetti with lobster Buzara.
ISLAND LOSINJ (Losinj) - Island that occupies a key position in transfers through the Kvarner region offers a good shelter in bad weather and the possibility of supplies of food and fuel.
Mali Losinj (MALI LOSINJ) - It may be anchor in the bay on the left at the entrance of the fjord or moor in the country along the piers or floating docks but they do not have water and electricity and are exposed to the bora and then moor at the Marina, a little 'far from the center , near the swing bridge by using, in the case of the Bura strong mooring places beyond the bridge that are more sheltered. The opening of the bridge, which leads into Quarnarolo takes place at 9.00 am and at 17.00 unless it blocks the mechanism (it happened to me several times). In the village should stock up on fruit and vegetables in short supply in the islands for variety and quality is also good fish the market square in the harbor. It's worth a hike up to the bays on the western side of the island for a swim or venture down the path that runs alongside the sea port in Veli Losinj. You can eat at the restaurant discreetly "SAGE" near the Master or if you are near the bay Cikat, the "GRILL CAPEL, next to the church on the promontory, where I ate the fresh prawns grilled over charcoal.
BAY Balvanida - Among the many bays that follow one another to the south along the western shore of Losinj this is perhaps the more suited to a sheltered anchorage and even at night. There is a restaurant but I never ate.
Veli Losinj (Losinj) - On the east coast of the island has a small port in the cove where you can moor at the quay beneath the church, and largest port, modern, protected by a breakwater, a bit 'far from the center. We eat pretty well in the restaurant overlooking the harbor under the church, "Ribarska KOLIBA"
(tel. + +385-051-236-235), where I found some swings while fresh the Malvasia wine is preferable to order in bulk rather than bottled Sleep, which is worth nothing.
Island Krk (KRK) - The largest island of Dalmatia, in terms of water affects mainly the south-west coast where you will find the town of Krk and the Gulf of PUNAT.
VIGIL (KRK) - The country has a beautiful protected harbor with some moorings for pleasure craft, eat fairly well at the restaurant near the tower.
PUNAT - The largest lagoon is the Marina with moorings for transit and for all services. There are some discrete restaurants in town. Leaving the bay and heading south meet some bays surrounded by cliffs on the rocky beaches which is nice to spend a day after the boat docked.
Rab (RAB) - Do not miss the opportunity to stop to visit the historical center of RAB, with its churches lined up on the wall overlooking the sea. You can moor along the quay of the port or the piers of the ACI Marina.
SUPETARSKA DRAGA - Deep Creek in the northern part of the RAB where there is an ACI Marina.
ISLAND DONKEYS (ILOVIK) - Coming into the canal that separates the island from nearby OF SAN PIETRO NEMBIA meet many buoys for the night. There is also a small jetty where you can moor on the south side only, because on the opposite line to stop the boat, making sure that no wind blows from the east that raises a good swell. You can eat at the restaurant at the end of the pier where the owner prepares the excellent fries.
PREMUDA - This island has two ports, one on the east coast, exposed to the bora, which docks the boat to the other on the west coast protected by a reef but very exposed the sirocco, which makes it dangerous when the weather changes. You can moor at the small pier on the outside or enter the port to the bottom, making sure that does not exceed 2 m, there are also some buoys with robust dead bodies. There is a restaurant overlooking the harbor where I ate some delicious freshly-caught spider crabs and sea bass and Grill near the phone booth where I have prepared the grilled goat under the bell. I also met a local fisherman, GIORGIO Tel 023 \\ 396031 which has a house in the country at the top of the island where rent rooms and cooked to order fish caught by him and lamb grilled on the premises.
Silba Island - like a green coin resting on flat sea island has two ports, one on the west coast where it comes from the liner, a more touristy, with piers and dead bodies on the eastern side.
OLIB ISLAND - The port, overlooking the strait that separates it from Silba, has a dam with some moorings. I never stopped to eat but they told me that there is a local, run by a French lady who prepares nouvelle cuisine style dishes of French-Croatian.
ISLAND PAG - Very long and barren does not constitute a particularly interesting.
NOVALIJA - big tourist center and port on the west coast of PAG. You can moor at the quay in front of the square.
I ate very well at the restaurant "RJVA" on the waterfront after the petrol station, with a menu based on the Buzara Dates and a magnificent sea bass baked with 3 kg fish with a harpoon.
SIMUNI - Small and deep bay on the island of P in which is located on a Marina ACI
ISLAND ISTO (IST) - This island has a butterfly shape with a creek in the northern end of which is a haven for small fishing boats and a southern port protected by a breakwater inside which there is a pier with dead bodies for a fee and electricity. Other berths are not sheltered from southerly winds out of the dam where there are also several buoys. Nell'ormeggiare inside the pier is preferable to stick to its end where there is an extension of wood (ignoring reports dell'addetto to toll collection that would occupy the first handsets) because the bottom is rather low, around 2, 30 m. and, although sand is dotted with rocks at low tide so you run the risk of touching. Do not miss the excursion to the chapel at the top of the island where, on fine days the views are wonderful. To eat should go to the port in the inlet North America where you can buy live lobsters from the fishermen of otherwise you can sit at a table in the restaurant CAROB "cooked to taste the Buzara.
Zapuntel - Passage between the islands of Ist Molat be addressed with caution and consult the map for the shallow waters and strong currents often present. Ist there along the bank of a creek with buoys well protected while on the island of Molat is a dock where dock with a restaurant nearby.
ISLAND MOLAT - The key feature of this island is the large bay Brgulije in the southern part very nice and protected.
MOLAT - The port of the country is located at the bottom of a creek where there is a pier with a few dead bodies. The country is rather bleak as the only restaurant there. From the center of a road, which climbs to the ridge until you reach the island after 6-7 km Brgulije and continue until you reach the Zapuntel, ideal to stretch the legs after prolonged navigation.
PORT OF BRGULIJE - You can moor to one of several buoys that surround the island in the middle of the bay or dock at the quay where there is electricity. I ate several times at the restaurant down the path that runs along the south bank of appreciating a good Buzara Lobster prepared without tomato and advice to avoid the dried octopus (it seems to eat rubber).
Rivanj ISLAND - Located southeast of Molat there is a beautiful harbor on the western shore. The country is almost uninhabited, and the two or three people have been particularly grumpy. Worth the trip to Walk to the church on top of the island.
BIG ISLAND (Dugi otok) - This large island is, in my view, the end of the dangers posed by being in the open sea and the beginning or the end of the vacation real own. The West Coast bays and has no door, so unless you hurry, I suggest you go into the channel that follows the eastern shore.
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