The route that I prefer to reach Istria, the islands of South Dalmatia
, go, left to right, the island of Susak Susak, for up to 133 °
along after 16 nm. the western shore of the islands of
Premuda, then Skarda, Ist Molat. This route, besides being the
shorter, offers many opportunities to stop, short for a swim
and a snack, is prolonged for a whole night, as well as a shelter to retreat to
repaired in inclement weather.
PREMUDA - This island has two ports, one on the east coast
-44 ° 20'48''N-14 °-36'33'E, exposed to the bora, where the Moors
scheduled boat, the ' Another 44th-Masarin 20'24''N-14 ° 35'54''E-western coast
protected by a reef but very exposed to the sirocco
that makes it dangerous when the weather changes. Yes
can moor at the small pier on the outside or to enter the harbor by
attention to the depth of no more than 2 m, in the roads there are also some
buoys for a fee, with robust dead bodies. The port is located the restaurant
"Masarine" where I ate some delicious spider crab and sea bass (bass)
freshly caught and Grill near the phone booth (and inevitable
functioning as on all the islands) where I have prepared the kid
grilled under the bell. I also met a local fisherman, George
Tel 023 \\ 396031 who has a house on the lane leading to the country
top of the island, where he rented rooms and prepare to order, fish caught
by him and grilled goat production propria.Proseguendo towards SE,
along the coast of the island, is a series of bays suitable for a wild
stop "beach" at anchor.
After a narrow strait, the passage of Premuda - Premudska
Vrata you get to the island of Skarda.
SKARD - It 's an uninhabited island covered entirely by the Mediterranean scrub
. Very nice bay, overlooked by a couple of houses
fishing on the east coast of the island
-44 ° 17'41''N-14 ° 41'95''E-ideal for a stopover and a bathroom
in a shallow turquoise while, on the southern coast, lies the deep bay
Griparica-44 ° 16'79''N-14 ° 42'66''E-, well sheltered and protected
for a prolonged stay in the bottom of which lies an old fort,
transformed into a private home, with a small the pier where you can moor
, bow, making sure the bottom is not excessive.
ISLAND ISTO - IST - The island has a butterfly shape with an inlet
KOSIRIKA North-44 ° 16'65''N-14 ° 45'57''E-in the bottom of which
is a small port for small fishing boats and the southern main port
Siroki-44 ° 16'28''N-14 ° 45'93''E-protected by a dam
marquee inside which there is a pier with dead bodies for a fee,
electricity and even water, in limited quantities. Other
moorings in the dock, not sheltered from southerly winds, is outside the dam
where there are also several buoys. Nell'ormeggiare
preferable to the dock inside is sticking to its end where there is a wooden extension
(ignoring reports dell'addetto
to toll collection that would occupy the first handsets) because the bottom is rather low
, around 2.30 m. and, although sand is dotted with rocks at low tide
therefore runs the risk of toccare.Il
country is very quiet, without hotels, but only a few houses, no roads nor
car, only a few cultivator with cart, there is the telephone, mail,
a policeman, a small supermarket, a diving run by German
waiting for customers and unlikely ... .. a food stall run by a blonde
Juno monopolize the interest of many mascula
of my crew. Life here flows with the rhythms and habits
unknown to us now. Remember, in May two years ago, arrived in port and not
was no one, we went around the country, not a soul, since also
arrived at the port on the northern bay, all abandoned in a day-atmosphere
after, they were all gone in nothing. We discovered later that he was dead
an old inhabitant of the island, such a Cosulich (here we call it in so many
as quell'Oscar, founder of SVOC, also a native of Isto)
and they were all at the funeral. So we went we saw a procession
of times before with all the altar boys, then the cross
the cleric with incense, then the coffin in a cart pulled by hand, followed by
pastor, relatives, young women dressed in white with a lily in his hand, and finally
women and men. It was only after the ceremony, about
21.00, which reopened the shop and restaurant and we could go to dinner. From
Do not miss the excursion, a half hour walk to the chapel at the top
island where, on fine days with a bit of bora, you can enjoy a wonderful panorama
ranging from Lošinj apage, the Velebit Mountains to the south, as well
to stock fish, Kosirika should go to the port, the inlet
north where you can buy live lobsters from the fishermen of
otherwise you can sit at a table in the restaurant CAROB, close to
'mooring, to taste cooked to Buzara.
Zapuntel -44 ° 15'80''N-14 ° 47'26''E-passage between the islands of Ist and Molat
be approached with caution
consultation paper for the shallow waters and strong currents often
present. In the channel along the bank of Ist is a small cove with
well protected while on the island of Molat there is a small jetty where
moor near which is
a small restaurant.
ISLAND MOLAT - characteristic for the shape resembling an inverted Y
whose arms divergent form, to S, the large bay Brgulije, in part
Southern very nice and protected.
MOLAT-44 ° 12'80''N-14 ° 52'38''E - The main center of the island, characterized by
church, on top of a hill, with two towers of bright yellow.
The port is situated at the bottom of a creek deep busy, on your right, from the dock
the shipping line. In the bottom of the bay is
a pier with a few dead bodies for the pleasure. The country is rather bleak
this as the only restaurant that offers a lived fish.
From the center part of a road, which climbs to the ridge of the island until
reached after Brgulije 3-4 km, a small hamlet of 4 houses where the road forks
, dropping one hand to the port while the other continues Brgulije
to the village of Zapuntel, in a valley hidden from the sea, as used in these
places where there were pirates, then go up to the close of
Zapuntel, perfect walk, with a distance of ten miles in the bush
Mediterranean, to stretch the legs after prolonged navigation.
BRGULIJE PORT-44 ° 13'58''N-14 ° 50'27''E - You can moor to one of
number of buoys that surround the island of Vrulje the center of the bay or dock to dock in
(both solutions in the mooring, in season, is free of charge) where there is also
electricity and water in small quantities. I ate at the restaurant several times
down the path that runs along the south bank of appreciating good buzara lobster prepared without tomato and advice to avoid sun-dried octopus
(it seems to eat rubber). On the promenade, pier,
go to N is found, after a hundred meters, the restaurant "Papa" to us
nicknamed "Dracula" when, in October 2001 we went to dinner
. The owner had been only, since all his relatives returned to
Zara, and offered to prepare some bass he caught in
afternoon. Unfortunately, in cleaning the fish, cut off a finger, but without
get at least one patch, continued to lay the table and
preparing food. When we sat at the table, we noticed
reddish spots, which, at first, given the low light, interpreted as
rust stains. Then, cutlery, glasses, napkins, bread, potatoes
boiled, grilled fish and finally the finger innkeeper made us understand what it was
. We were able, for the hungry, eat only sea bass, skinned
accurately, between the laughter and the perplexity
the poor man who did not understand what triggers all quell'ilarità. Obviously you can not
condemnation for this (among other things, we were the ones who insist
opened the restaurant) so I think that will give another opportunity
also because the quality of the bass seemed to me good.
An alternative route, to be considered especially if you are coming from the east coast of Losinj
, after passing the island of Donkeys - Ilovik,
continues for up to 114 ° is reached after about 8 nm., The port of ' island Silba. About
in the middle of the strait that separates the two islands, on your right, you see the
islet with lighthouse GRUIJCA-44 ° 24'50''N-14 ° 34'04''E-
excellent place to stay at anchor for a swim or dive.
Silba Island - Similar to a coin resting on the green sea island
flat has 2 ports, one on the west coast SIDRISTE
Zalica-44 ° 23'29''N-14 ° 41'44''E - lands where the liner, a country of
SILBA-44 ° 22'83''N-14 ° 42'31''E-plus tourist fee
in season, supplied with wharves of dead bodies, water and electricity,
orientale.Il bottom side of this port is very small and should
prefer one of the moorings on the outer breakwater, not to touch the bow with
helm. The country, slightly uphill, is crossed by many paths that
into the wood that covers the island, ideal for a nice walk in
verde.Vi are some restaurants, but offer a menu of type
tourism, fish frozen, so it is preferable if you intend to stay
Silba, to protect themselves by buying the fish to cook on the boat, possibly from a vessel
crossed off.
ISLAND Olib - OLIB-course is the island's less touristy area, there are no hotels or guest houses
, a small bar, a shop
of food, a church with an adjacent square whose pavement acts also
cistern to collect rainwater, a handful of houses for most
deserted and in ruins, a few people for the older, a little 'grumpy. The
-port-14 ° 23'26''N 44 ° 46'45''E-overlooking the strait that separates it from Olib
Silba, has a dam with some moorings moor where English.
I never stopped to eat but they told me that there is a place run by a lady who prepares
French nouvelle cuisine style dishes of French-Croatian.
The strait that separates from Silba Premuda cross a series of
deserted islands, long and narrow, sharp and similar in appearance to the teeth of a saw
, emerging from the sea. They are the COMBS -
Greben 19'89''N-44 ° 41'75''E-14 °-a wild charm (my friend Valter
says that to him represent the paradigm of being on vacation) where
absolutely must stop, in a calm, sunny day for a swim or dive
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