Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parelli Teraflex For Sale


Nuovamnete with backpackers go out and begin to wander the airport bus to Los Angeles looking for one that takes me somewhere near the hostel. Hostel, I do not think you deserve this name the worst I've ever been, a comrade of twenty people with only one bathroom and no door that could close, even the kitchen. I try to forget the hostel while engaging in city center. But unfortunately, the easy times are over Australia and New Zealand, I take a bus that takes more than an hour to take in the downtown districts through a most ugly of the other, the impression I got to LA and 'a dirty old town, with the exception of Hollywood and Santa Monica all the districts drawn to shiny for tourists.
Thanks to jet lag I experienced twice on July 24, which is not very useful since the first time I spent locked in a plane and the second time to fall asleep on public transport because of jet lag.
I run the following day I head to Los Angeles and San Diego on Greyhound chock full of Mexicans know a Frenchman who went to Tijuana in Mexico. I decided to follow him and crossed the border I took a room in his own hotel. I was also able to test my English for Latin America: to understand but it made me realize and understand 'the most difficult, and it' a practical example, the fact that when I asked the owner of the hotel where I could not find a restaurant she has realized that tourism was looking for prostitutes, which is not hard to find because every 5 meters in the main street there is someone trying to sell drugs or try to drag you into his strip club.
The day after the French surrender in the morning in his room and returned to the U.S., I do a tour to San Diego and I also see the baseball game the night I get on a bus that should result in Tucson.
Arrive in Tucson at 5 am and wait until the station opens at 6.30 am with a guy who is from Yuma dressed in full cowboy style, with no more than 3 teeth in the mouth, seems the kind you can find in a saloon a western. I throw the bag in the vault of the station, I take a ticket for the evening with destination Albuquerque and began to wander the city '. First impression of desolation, the bus station and 'out of the city and me and' you have to walk a few minutes in a desolate road with the only company cactus growing in the sand on either side of the road. Second impression? Hot, really hot, 3 days ago I was with just over 10 degrees and maximum hours at 7 am I'm sweating already. After 2 hours under the scorching sun back to the station and I decide to change direction to the north a bit fresher. Direction Flagstaff Grand Canyon.
Arrive in Flagstaff at about 10 pm and with the heavy backpack I start looking for a place to sleep. In the city 'and of course there were only two hostels that I was empty and the other full.
The next day I take a shuttle tour to the Grand Canyon, here I know my fellow travelers of the following days: Julius Budapest, Krakow and Gabriella Yasmin Sydney. The Hungarian has a car and then the day after you charge at all and leads us to Sedona, the city 'has an exceptional location, surrounded by huge red mountains, but unfortunately for me the others had no intention of hiking and I have forced to spend all day from store to store more than a 'tour of the other.
I tried several 'times to kill myself with the guns in the shops but unfortunately they were reproductions for tourists.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Do Vba Trading On Mac

hiking in spalla if

I decided to leave early New Zealand, on my arrival I had the impression that it was the best place to travel backpacker but certainly not this season. The cold rain and snow have seriously reduced my activity ', also forcing me to quickly return to the north after reaching the highest point 'to the south, where on the other twice, I found it to be the only guest of the hostel also making me crazy with fear that a sudden hatchet could break down the door of the room.
24 I moved to the planned flight to the destination 31 with LA, and already 'I was there I thought about erasing the two domestic flights that would take me to the "Big Apple". I realized that spending a month in 3 / 4 cities 'are not as great as I really want to, I did not think at the beginning of a journey so' dynamic but remain several days in the big city but want to see it gained the upper hand forcing to move from one place to another without stopping over a day or two.
regard to America I had originally thought of renting a car: the rates are very affordable are also at 15 € a day, but unfortunately also apply a nice bonus for those under 25, which varies from 25 to $ 35 depending on Agency's going to add at least 400 € of fuel needed to do coast to coast spending rises quite misleading with respect to expectations that can give you a quote online, also spearheading the three days in New Zealand I realized that after driving for some now want to take long walks lessened considerably ... Ergo you continue with the bus where can I get map hand in planning the move of the day.
I had a vague idea of \u200b\u200bhow to move but I know it 's useless as they probably will change' (that already as I write 'I've changed).

Returning to New Zealand as soon as I arrived in the North Island have made the necessary changes to flights and I took a drive to Cape Reinga (which should be the most 'in the north), I was afraid of have problems with the left-hand drive but apparently are now used to and the only problem I had was the sound of the car to remind me not to push the limits, the road and 'a series of curves that give me the nausea despite I is to drive at the end to make 300km took me almost 6 hours. The next day, 300km daily allotment for others and reach Cape Reinga, the last 100km of the peninsula are almost completely uninhabited, the landscape is nothing but 'that beautiful pristine hills with a monstrous amount' of sheep, and a ; endless empty beach, reminded me that the Australian beaches. The last 20km are ending mountains overlooking the sea, resulting eventually in the tip of the island where you can 'see the Tasman Sea to join the Indian Ocean, creating a series of ripples off.

Next stop Los Angeles

For more adventure 'hot

Monday, August 16, 2010

When Tonsils Have To Be Lanced

Viaggiatore or tourist Riparte

The other day I was at Te Anua.
I arrived early in the morning when a cloud, fog, and calling it too high for too low to call it cloud covered the hills surrounding this new unknown destination.
As always the first goal of the hostel: the YHA and 'nearest and very lazy, I threw them. My room was not ready before noon, nine o'clock. I leave the backpack at the hostel and start on CAMMAN lakefront.
I see on one side of a lake landscape that I like, I want to get there and so begins my inner fight: "No, and 'away' I turn and walk in the opposite direction
" If I do not go near that place will not see from that fascinates me "I turn around and point the place like so many others for no reason I was drawn.
Avro 'made five or six times this change of direction as I thought, that there was no luck or I would take a fool.
the end I chose to get there. It was more 'close to what I expected, an hour's walk on the beach and bush, so I went even further, I also met a guy who lives in a van that was furnished as a house with lots of plants stove and sofa bed, that's 'Into the Wild a lot, maybe not creperie' in Alaska but also very cold here. Although the lake was crystal clear when I started to get thirsty I preferred to go back, there are still so 'Into the Wild so, when will banquet' with a 'skinned moose I'll be with' my lunch with a good glass water lake, turning around I saw that the cloud had thinned and the hills that I thought turned out to be the snow-capped mountains.
The view 'significantly improved.
the citadel now I sit on a bench to admire the lake completely different from what I had seen him before.
Then come quickly on the scene a group of people obviously Italian, but could have been any other nationality ', loud and intent only to take photos, a few minutes back in the car and disappear.
left me alone with my thoughts, wondering if they are like a simple tourist or a traveler can call me just because my trip and 'long, sleeping in hostels and I try to understand the more' local culture can . I can not answer even now days later. Probably mentally while criticizing that group 'cause they had come from the most' to get photos of the lake that look or because 'they had come from them where to stop all stop, someone sitting staring at me and criticized me' cause in his eyes for what I tried to get away from the tourist, as every time there is a fork chooses the road less traveled in his eyes I'm just a tourist who stops a little beyond the appearances.

forget my delusions that's what I've done in the past days ...

Abandoned after a disappointing half-day Wellington to Christchurch, which also disappoints me, I'm discovering that I do not like to stay in the city 'but I prefer to stay in small villages in which I dedicate to Pesso bushwalking and find sensational landscapes, or maybe here in the cities 'there' nothing to see ...
So even leaving Christchurch towards the Alps between Lake Tekapo New Zealand, for once the leadership has taken us, in the snowy mountains lies a beautiful turquoise lake.
Just get off the bus, unfortunately, for the first time I use the plastic cover of the pack, a cold rain welcomed me into the lake. Despite this 'I approach the lake, freezing more and more', and I stop to look around a bit. Once you have completely lost the sensitivity 'hands and feet I start searching the hostel, not' hard and the village 'of 300 inhabitants 3 4 hostels luxury hotels and a pub.
the first hostel I meet at the reception when I ask for a room I meet with a terse "Fully Booked" Then something blather and adds a sarcastic "Good Luck". I did not understand almost nothing of what they told me between "fully booked" and "good luck", but I do not know where to run as I realized that to take the bus did not want to die if frozen in that village. And it 'so' and that 'sadly comic, and started a desperate race to stop, lucky that the bus had just left and went in the direction where I was, waving and shouting in the street I had to stop.
The driver did a bit of history but in the end made me go in the direction of Queenstown.

I lost a lake, but I find another one. Queenstown skiing destination the more famous in New Zealand and 'a small town located on both sides of a large lake surrounded by mountains, or more correctly, the town is on one side, expensive vacation homes and luxury hotels are on the other side.
Here I decide to dedicate myself to a day of skiing and I'm going to rent the equipment. The basic idea was to make a day on the snow, also suffering a bit cold as I have not thought of clothing and having to ski in jeans, but in the end a Dutchman has given me both a ski suit that gloves . This is not 'served not to kill me frozen, but it was' worth it. The chauffeur who drove the van up to the slopes (which are at 20km from Queenstown and it took us 40 minutes to get there) was his first day, and 'party after a few attempts to put the first and the abrupt braking is not typical of those who' used to the brake pedal of the vehicle is driving, when I saw the whole road bends that climbed the mountain I really feared that my journey would end here!

Damn google whenever I can remove the advertisements' puts other ...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Klucz Seryjny Do Mount I Blade 1.010

Nella terra di mezzo in spalla

New Zealand is giving me just what I aspettavo.I backpacker after Auckland revelers are entirely disappeared leaving room for genuine travelers who travel to see the world, people and 'much more' hospitable and kind compared to Australians and their accent and 'more' easy to understand. Also I can make good passes from New Zealand without problems, which makes me seem to be a story of Kerouac or Chatwin

The first leg of my journey after Auckland and 'Thames, a small town, there' nothing if not a supermarket and two pubs some fast food (they are everywhere! go even in the worst god-forsaken place you can be sure that Subway and McDonald's and Burger King will not fail!), starts right now, I ask directions to the hostel to the right person who offers it to give me a ride, it's called Mike will have 'some sixty years or so, driving the tow truck when it stops in front of the hostel told me that a machine 10km after charging the city 'and that I can make a tour of the coast in exchange for a hand. Brings me back to the hostel after an hour, we loaded a battered car of a couple then we re-downloaded the same people in a house in the bush ...
Even the hostel and 'fantastic: comfortable and accommodating as few others.
I ask the owner advice on how to reach and climb the Pinnacles, the only reason why I came right here, the lady I am speaking with a German couple who has a car and promises me a ride to the next morning. They do not, they will disappear without telling me anything ... Assholes.
also know Hadrien, a French boy who was first in New Caledonia and now was waiting for some friends joined him, I go with him to watch the match of the tri (so you write ') nations and decides to follow the next day on the pinnacles.
E 'was him my salvation when I realized we had left on foot: I saw that another French boy of the hostel had a car and I sent it to hitch a ride, and' was so good that he convinced Etienne, the owner of the car, coming on top of us so well to have a passage for the return.

Back from climbing the hostel was no longer 'a room for us, I did check out because I did not think to stop to sleep but fatigue forced me to spend a second night in Thames, we had to be satisfied with the room they were painting, not bad for a voucher for only a bit of smell of paint ...

I place myself in gear and reach Rotorua, the thermal zone that is located in the mouth of an extinct volcano, yet another one from Lonely Planet mollatami now that I do not read to find out where to stay, but only to know what 's the place where you go, but apparently I should stop using it.
Rotorua, or as the Kiwis call Roto-Vegas in my opinion no reason why 'lets suppose that this nickname is a place full of casinos' or with a buzzing nightlife, it looks like a city at night 'ghost. The area 'still interesting, the city' is inside the mouth of a huge volcano in the parks and there are pools of hot water or boiling mud and geysers, and even there 'a sprinkling water every morning exactly at 10.30 (it would seem a miracle of nature were it not that we throw into the soap to create the spray). I also got to see a sad spectacle that most Maori 'reminded me of a school play.

Hastily abandoning the disappointing Rotorua Taupo to another small town that always lies within the mouth of a volcano, and also 'in a lake. Give up the backpack and walked to the first hostel for Huk falls after 1.30h walk by the river I reach the narrow gorge that forces the river to become faster and lead in a small lake with a jump of about ten meters. After losing a few minutes to contemplate all at once I get back on the march in the direction of Craters of the Moon. Along the road to the craters of the moon a couple of treviso I had met just before the falls will stop and offer me a ride. This tourist destination is very reminiscent Te Puia, which I visited yesterday, but no geyeser. Again with the pair of Treviso, after a few minutes of indecision, I headed to a series of pools of thermal water that, unfortunately, are closer to that in Rotorua Taupo. In the past half hour drive to Wai-Po-Ta (I do not think you write so well but I do not remember) I was already considering the various options to return to Taupo:
bus no they do not start by bus to Taupo,
hitchhiking, not on this road I invest if I try to hitchhike
the end the best idea was to put me to pull up to Rotorua and take a night bus to Taupo. But I was lucky, just like they said they wanted to do a good deed and I have kindly taken back to my accommodation for the night, thanks to them I was able to enjoy a beautiful day and also a part of New Zealand that would otherwise ignored ...

The next day in the morning we depart towards Wellington, the starting point for the South Island ...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Cost To Fix Prolapsed Dog

Zaino : Nuova Zealand

The pictures will be here the connection and 'too slow

continue my wrist that yellow bracelet with the inscription: "Let the journey begin", as if to say also I am a backpacker.

I always have new friends who will soon leave for a new goal, since I
separated Diego every so often I miss not having someone a bit more 'intimate close, but only friendly strangers that you use and you for company use: in a tour of the city ', in an evening in a bus trip for a beer ... People that time will delete 'from my memory, will survive' only memory of the place and time, along with the faceless and nameless shadows, shadows that person I suppose my allotted his share effect.

Now I understood that to be a backpacker and only 'a necessary condition to travel, subject to freedom.

I reached that summit, to which the guide said nothing, indignant that anyone else, those that do not even know the name, one in which there is' only one path to follow for some hours.
All I know is that I decided to get there, I spent one more night 'cause here I decided to catch up in the afternoon when I noticed from the vantage point and did not want to risk the sunset I sorprendesse invalidating my ascent and descent make it dangerous. I love
change in a second, something that initially may 'seem trivial, vague hypothetical travel plan that I create in my mind. If I had pulled behind a traveling companion was not possible to see, was right not to accept waste a day to reach a peak apparently like many others.
I climbed up a path of a heart attack I had to cross a river with a rope bridge, fording some stream, I do not know how to climb stairs and at the end for the top real climb on the rock with iron bars to put them just for those who want to get high.

But the rope I could see the sea on the west coast and the ocean on the east coast, there was a magnificent panorama perhaps misunderstood and considered more 'beautiful than it really' just for the effort that has led me to admire it. This
'be a backpacker: reach places so' close all but forgotten except by a few hikers, and 'view from the top down the mountain from where yesterday I admired the same view, and' be the only one to see him this time and not be arrived Conlie machine.
I could spend my remaining days to climb the mountains that surround me now. Reliable and
those around as different will always vaguely similar. It will not know 'if ever there are better places in this country. The dilemma
grips me: See as much of a part or the whole little?

go down.

I decide not to stop, start again.

From the top I do not see what 's in the distance.

I want to go see what I hide the horizon

Friday, August 6, 2010

Table Shower Near Detroit

August 6, 2010 August 5, 2010

sleep was interrupted several times by the roar of the rain. Even when we wake up, at 08.30, stops raining. We decide to head towards the Olympiaparken , which hosts the Olympic venues of 1994, still in use today. Infrastructure suggests that in Lillehammer winter turns into a real tourist center, with several skiers. We get to the Olympic ski jump
and even in the pouring rain, we are fortunate to be able to take some pictures to some athletes who train on the trampoline smaller. The torch which housed the Olympic flame stands before the arrival of the jump.
The downpour forced us to take shelter inside the camper. We moved a couple of miles to the Mauhaugen , the most important folk museum of the state, which, according to the guide, well worth a visit. Unfortunately, once they arrive at their destination, the water comes down in buckets. The museum is all outdoors, with dirt streets and will surely be swamped. Nothing to do: after waiting a good half hour spiovesse, killing time with some playing cards, we take for losers and we go down in the city, for a final round since that time passes and we have to respect the roadmap .
The main street of Lillehammer, Storgata , is a busy country road, where the prevalence of shops selling sports or young children. We stop at the town library to take advantage of free internet access, in order to buy ferry tickets return from Kristiansand to Hirtshals (DK). From there, we will continue to avoid the bridge came. The money we saved with the complimentary use them to stop at a bakery where we buy a superb braid pastry with apples, cinnamon and icing sugar together with a sandwich with cheese and corn, that we devour on the way to the camper.
Destination Røros . Before resuming the E6 towards Trondheim, do we have to stop for fuel, then discovering the prohibitive prices of petrol Norwegian (almost € 80 full). Since the highway is always the same, after about fifty km decide to stop for lunch. Given the cold and the rain made during the morning, we treat ourselves to a hot meal: risottone in foil with mushrooms and tomato. Finally, quite a few slices of veal with tuna sauce, now permanent presence at our table, and Paul bought a piece of braid in the morning. We forgive immediately start to address the E6, when Tom suddenly indicates a right turn. We pass a state that begins to rise so steeply, initially to very dense woods, to give way to a plateau with mountain vegetation, dominated by mosses and lichens. The view is fantastic, if it were not for the intermittent rain and cold (we are certainly below 10 ° C), it would be nice to take a break. After about 60 km, we decide to stop, however, to take some pictures of these places, at first sight inhospitable. We have top of the hill and rejoins the main road No. 3 with a state much longer and more easily negotiated, along thick woods and signals of 'danger crossing reindeer. " We arrive at Røros, an important mining town that retains the old town, with wooden houses perched on the ridge of the hill. This village has been declared UNESCO World Heritage Site and because we realize it as soon as you enter. Is 18.00 and the mileage 36786 km mark, that is precisely where we started from 2104. Since it is still early and the sky was serene, there is a parking intended for campers, free (along the N30, about 160 km SE of Trondheim, via Storem towards Tynset. Free parking is reserved for parking the only camper. Ben pointed out, behind the station. Peaceful. GPS: N-62.57357 E-11.46347) , a few hundred meters from the main street. We decide to take a ride before dinner. With great surprise we find an unexpected vitality.
In central Kjerkegata there is a kind of town fair with stalls, music and people in costume. On the way there are so many people and is a nice way to end this day. We find a shop that sells local products and we believe a must, because, to attract our attention, we are in full view featured six plates with as many samples of salami. We could perhaps excuse ourselves from buying two samples? In addition, we also find the famous "blue cheese" in a version that, according to the manager of the shop, has just won a prestigious award in a national festival. Two more steps cheered by the music, with a ride in a sports store, where Paul bought a pair of pants technicians, and then back to the camper for dinner. It's nearly 20.30. The evening ends with a nice hot shower and lights up the stove, because the temperature drops quickly.

Total km: 36786

Elena & Paul

Total expenditure:
Nkr-30: Lillehammer parking
-Nkr 684.97 (NOK 11.82 per liter ): petrol
- € 222.93: Ferry to Hirtshals

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rheem 71-40d B Replacement Element

the night it rained and the weather has remained so, this morning, in fact, we started with the jacket and kway at hand. Loading and then move the camper in the parking lot behind the center of Nobel Peace , behind the ' Aker Brygge (parking very convenient and affordable for the position: Nkr 120 for two and a half hours). We paid all the time in the museum, because that is definitely interesting and the entry price (NOK 80 adults, Nkr 55 students). Inside there were organized several exhibitions, one on the South African Nobel Peace Prize and one on Obama, Nobel Peace Prize 2009. To emphasize is the fact that in the ticket price is included a guided tour lasting 45 minutes and leaves every 30. Are at Aker Brygge, left the museum we try again and try your luck fishing the shrimp with fresh and this time we make it. With 90 Nkr we bring home almost a pound of fresh shrimp from Mr. Pelikan. Delicious! Li devour between lunch and dinner. Before lunch we move Holmenkollen, home of the ski jump with the skis used during the 1994 Lillehammer Olympics. It is an area subject to ongoing work for the winter ski championships in Oslo in 2011. The trampoline, though not be able to see very well, is very suggestive, since it seems to be built in a vacuum. We are holding more than twenty minutes, though. The output from the seat was really problematic, again because of the ongoing work around it. After shooting a vacuum for half an hour we find the "right path" and take the road to Lillehammer. It continues to rain at regular intervals, interrupted by rainbow dream. We arrive at your destination with about an hour later than the time estimated, and causes all sorts of grueling work in progress. We placed in a parking lot reported on the Internet, near the cemetery in a very quiet area. ( GPS N-61.11223 E-10.46756, pay from 09 to 17 on weekdays, from 09 to 15 on Saturdays and free on Sundays).

Total km: 36540

Elena & Paul

Total expenditure:
Nkr 135: Nobel museum entrance
Nkr 120: Aker Brygge parking

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cetaphil Moisturizer India

In contrast to the expectations we land in a few minutes and suffered an unexpected and warm sun invades the camper. Our super woke up at 5 has failed miserably, but we were rewarded with a stunning entry into the fjord. After landing, follow the signs for an area marked by Tom, who turns out to be ghost. The folded over another reported by other campers on the Internet, in a fjord on the outskirts of Oslo. (Sjolyst Bobil Area Parking fee, Nkr 150/24h. Sjolyst output from the E18, in Drammensveien 160. Loading, unloading, electricity. Close to bus stop no. 31E, 32 and 151. The last one goes downtown . 59.91867 GPS 10.67.570-E-N) beautiful, with even the picnic tables on the edge of the wharf. Attention only to the electrical connections, because the sockets are not universal, but German. We, for this problem, we can not use electricity and we are now forced to look for an electrician who sells the adapter. Research that proves difficult, because in the Oslo City shopping mall is a shop that does for us!
machines take pictures and sandwiches and head to the bus stop. To note is that tickets to the bus is very inconvenient, it costs Nkr 40 to race, against 26 we would pay Nkr buying tickets at a store. Even more convenient would be to make subscriptions a day, but we are not smart enough. We go down to Frederiksgate in the heart of Oslo. It's hot and the sun continues to shine. We see from outside the building real , which recognizes the right of the park and the amount of windows, because it has little of the royal palace from the outside. But maybe it's to Buckingham Palace get used to bad. Then we dive in Karl Johans Gate, which is a main road, where we see University the theater national and, hungry for culture, Nasjonalgalleriet (which is free!), where we see Munch and several impressionists. Obligatory stop at the Hard Rock Café, and we continue our tour. We head towards the Domkirke , but is rather disappointing, so disappointing that Paul the only one photo shoot. There we find a characteristic opposite market proceeds under the arches of an old building of red brick. Too much fun trying to identify the spices sniffing the bags, since we are not able to recognize the names! Stop and photo supply dried apples for Paul. Then we head towards the train and on foot, with the help of the faithful Tom, we reach the foot ' Aker Brygge , the old port has been transformed into shopping and restaurants on the pier. At the suggestion of the guide (Lonely Planet Norway) a vessel that we sell fresh shrimp, but it is clear that we arrived too late. We already had your mouth watering. To console smezziamo take a beer and a hot dog, next at 17.40 in a Norwegian sort of peppered mussels!
Back to the camper after a short stop at a souvenir shop to buy the magnets to the mothers.
The program for the evening was to visit the Vigeland Park , but the fatigue is too much and give up. We enjoy the sunset from the 22 campers, end a beautiful day.

Elena & Paul

Total expenditure:
camper-Area: Nkr 150
-Transportation: Nkr 160 (40x4 Nkr races)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Inti Live View / - Axis

After Byron Bay I was able to convince Diego to take a step further, we decided to stop one day, reaching the morning and left at night for Newcastle, Coffs Harbour. Like many towns on the coast has little and nothing to offer but the landscapes. This City 'attracted me' cause I had read the lonely planet of a giant banana in reinforced concrete and an island full of birds to the mainland by the breakwater of the harbor, in retrospect the island full of birds and the giant banana make me be in doubt about a possible homosexuality 'latent.
Mai worst choice I took this month off the bus immediately known who lack the lockers to store bags, break it down to 'information office, but closes at 4, then there is' not very useful as our bus at midnight. After a few more futile attempt in hostels or hotels we are able to leave in a pub in the evening will prove that 'our salvation. Free of heavy backpacks we started walking towards the beach and that 'far from the town but of course the guide and' forgot to report it. The downfall of the day 'was the flood and' began almost immediately after our arrival, covered with a jacket and poncho, however, we continued the journey to the island. Maybe it 'was because of the soaked shoes and pants or long walk or the cool wind that pulled into the sea, but I hated the island or maybe I hated driving that continues to rely. After walking an hour under water we found ourselves in front of what can be more 'properly defined as "a rock overgrown with plenty of moss that can 'seem lawn, a tree and a bench. "
Disillusioned and shivering, we called in March for Coffs Harbour to the vain search for a laundry to dry shoes and trousers, in the end we had to ask new aid to the pub where we were allowed to use their dryer. We holed up in the pub to warm up to 10 hours at which closes here ... To my great misfortune the shoes had not yet dried and I had to use for days following the flip-flops, this has given me a touch that was missing from the gypsy look: dirty with dirty clothes and barefoot in the middle of winter ...

The Australia

My Australian Adventure will end 'in a few hours. Diego I have already 'greeted a few days ago, is now found in some hostel in Buenos Aires.
I could not see many places, some 'cause at the beginning of my journey I was afraid not to reach Sydney in time, others simply because they' are just exclusively with organized tours or already 'full or disproportionately expensive.
I was expecting to travel in an Australia is dry and arid, but it surprised me welcome you with a lush tropical vegetaziona north and a more 'similar to ours in the south.

It seems absurd that is already 'been a month ...
a month, I'm taking a look at the first post I wrote and I remember the questions that I asked myself the night before leaving, it seems an eternity has passed ', I seem to be on this road for a lifetime.
Everything 'that scary to me before and now' become a normal part of my journey.
I traveled as I'd never done before and I'm in love with this style of travel.
a month, and I did not see even a small fraction of that country / continent that still hides amazing places, I will cause them to 'discover another trip maybe more' forward.
I expect New Zealand, and 'more' child, I will be 'easier to cross.

Without the last walk in Australia, the streets of Sydney that I had not seen yet. Of course, as every time that I bring the camera, I saw the most 'beautiful city'. There 'a little' time, I could go out and get lost in the streets of the city 'I have not yet explored.


I really think that I reread what I wrote quickly the public, and take the road which passes by the window of this internet point in the opposite direction to the Opera House

Ladies Pubic Hair Shaving Phtos

August 4, 2010 August 3, 2010 August 2, 2010

Wake up call at 6:00 to try to leave at 6:30, so as to seek taking this infamous ferry and avoid the trucks, more than in Italy, Germany crowd the highways.
about 10:20 we enter the dawn of Denmark, we cheered a bit ', we could do it! And the sun shines well, in spite of all the water that came down yesterday.
The road, also for changes in landscape, is much more pleasant to drive, very good that Elena it offers almost volunteered to drive. A thought so audacious that even before they leave outside. Reluctantly past the junction with Billund (home of Legoland!) And we head to Odense, the first to cross the spectacular bridge that connects us in Copenhagen. Suspended on 15 km. On the way we happen up the diary of Elena's parents and have fun, read the comments of the tour of Denmark, made in 2004. It seems a century has passed (including prices), however, are only 6 years. The show that we are facing across the bridge is breathtaking: a mass of iron dares to challenge not only the sea, but the very design of the bridge. It does not mean more are on top of anything that has a bed, a bank and trees, it means something to be above you do not see neither the beginning nor the end.

The shock comes when, at the end of the toll bridge pay the toll: 90 € (it is natural to compare with 2004 prices, then cost € 53). Overcome this trauma pad (as you can do with the camper) we headed to the goal, just missing!
precise at 14.15, after a pretty stressful and not at all in downtown Copenhagen around rush hour, we reach the landing of DFDS Seaways, the company that manages the Copenhagen-Oslo. Mission accomplished! Or you just pray that there is place!

The place we find him at 17.00 and finally set sail. Tomorrow at 9:30 we will be officially Norwegians, the tour begins! The ship looks more like a cruise than a ferry, there's even a nightclub where young and old flock, drunk and not drunk. We take advantage of wireless to improve our journey, and the camera phone to be silly.

Willing, we aim to run the clock at 05.00 on deck to enjoy this dawn in the fjords.

Elena & Paul

Total mileage today: 614.

Total expenditure:
-Petrol: DKK 515.19 (approx. € 71.04)
-Bridge: Dkr 655 (approx € 88.11)
-Ferry: Dkr 1865 (about € 250, 89)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Rubber Bracelets For Stds

began our tour of the lower Norway.
The odometer of the motor home (the parents of Helen) shows 34682 km, are the 6:20 am and we start. The sun is shining, who knows what we will see during your holiday. We need to get to Copenhagen tomorrow by 17.00, or lose the ferry to Oslo.

The trip was long and tiring, the autobahn is not known for the beauty and variety of its landscapes and despite the pull, with very few and short pauses, up to 23.30 if we do not know enough another early rising to reach our goal. Sure, it was not always boring. Following the shortest path recommended by the browser (better known as Tom), we crossed the Pass of San Bernardino, instead of the Gotthard, and we found ourselves in the middle of an Austrian town which still do not know the name, but that allowed us to explore the Bavarian and Austrian countryside.
An alternative route with many, many positive aspects!
time from a certain point of view has been gracious and rain and clouds have helped to make the journey less burdensome, at least for the temperature. With music, laughter and bouts of narcolepsy Elena passed the first 1023 km.
We stopped to sleep in a service area dell'autobahn German to 23.30, marking the mileage 35705 km.

Elena & Paul

-Highway: € 10.20 (Italy) + € 40 (cartoons Switzerland)
-Petrol: € 137.93 + full at the start